
Getting all of the Nutrients you need simply cannot be done without supplements.

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+91 99917 27171

T-7/1003, Auric City, Sector-82, Faridabad, Haryana-121002


OneStar Nutrition is a leading Brand of health supplements.


Quality, you can trust

OneStar Nutrition is committed to providing the best quality supplements. We use only the highest quality ingredients in our products and never use any fillers or artificial ingredients.

No side effects, guaranteed

All of our products are 100% natural and side-effect free. With OneStar, you can rest assured that your body will not be harmed by any harmful substances.

Your body, your choice

We offer a wide range of products that cater to different needs and preferences so that you can find the supplement that’s right for you.



We offer natural supplements at affordable prices without any health compromises.

Supplements for every goal, every day

We make it easy to find the perfect supplement for you – whether you’re looking for a weight-loss solution or just want to get enough vitamins and minerals each day, we’ve got you covered.

Become the best version of yourself

Get the protein you need

As per World Health Organization, WHO, 44% of the world’s population is at risk of protein deficiency. OneStar Nutrition’s whey protein powder is a much-needed source of protein for many people around the world who lack it.

Gain Strength and Gain Weight

Loss in muscle mass and fat are major contributors to weight loss. OneStar Nutrition’s weight gainer ensures that you’re able to build muscle while getting your desired caloric intake.

Achieve your Health Goals

The perfect blend of proteins, vitamins and minerals – including BCAAs – that will have you performing at your best, in no time!

OneStar Nutrition: The Highest Quality Supplements


Protein Powders

OneStar offers protein powders in a variety of flavors, including strawberry and vanilla. Our whey proteins are made from only the highest quality ingredients, so you can enjoy your shake without worrying about added sugar or artificial flavors.

Weight Gainers

OneStar offers weight gainers in a variety of flavors, including chocolate and strawberry. Our weight gainer is perfect for those who are looking to add muscle mass without adding fat to their body.

Eaa & Bcaa

Eaa and Bcaa are two supplements that are important for muscle growth and recovery. OneStar offers these two supplements in powder form, so you can enjoy them with your favorite shake or drink!